Opening the Portal
From Ervin Laszlo's Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything:
‘At this crucial juncture in the evolution of human civilization, it would be of particular importance to cultivate our long-neglected faculty for accessing the in-formation conserved in the Akashic* field. We would not only develop closer ties to each other and to nature; we might also gain crucial insights into ways to cope with the problems of our technologically evolved but largely rudderless civilization . . . the civilizations that met this challenge found ways to achieve a condition of sustainability. What ways did they find? The answer must be in the Akashic field.
Accessing it would be to our advantage . . . this could make the crucial difference between bumbling along in a fateful gamble with trial and error, and moving with intuitive wisdom toward the dynamically harmonized sustainable conditions that more mature civilizations have already achieved on their home planets . . . Consciousness evolution is from the ego-bound to the transpersonal form. If this is so, it is a source of great hope . . . [that] could have momentous consequences. It could produce greater empathy among people, and greater sensitivity to animals, plants, and the entire biosphere . . . when a critical mass of humans evolves to the transpersonal level of consciousness a higher civilization is likely to emerge . . .’
*’The Akashic field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise: atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and . . . consciousness. This zero-point Akashic Field is the constant and enduring memory of the universe.’
Laszlo speaks of the importance of accessing the Akashic Field ‘to cultivate our long-neglected faculty for accessing the in-formation conserved’ to effect a global transformation of consciousness. The following quotes stress the importance of such a shift.
Barbara Marx Hubbard:
‘If the positive innovations connect exponentially before the massive breakdowns reinforce one another, the system can repattern itself to a higher order of consciousness and freedom without the predicted economic, environmental, or social collapse . . . If the system could go either way, a slight intervention to assist the convergence of the positive can tip the scales of evolution in favor of the enhancement of life on Earth.'
Stanislav Grof: Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research:
‘The task of imbuing humanity with an entirely different set of values and goals might appear too unrealistic and Utopian to offer any real hope. Considering the paramount role of violence and greed in human history, the possibility of transforming modern humanity into a species of individuals capable of peaceful coexistence with their fellow men and women regardless of race, color, and religious or political conviction, let alone with other species, certainly does not seem very plausible. We are facing the necessity to instill humanity with profound ethical values, sensitivity to the needs of others, acceptance of voluntary simplicity, and a sharp awareness of ecological imperatives.'
Ervin Laszlo: Quantum Shift in the Global Brain:
‘This quantum shift in the global brain is humanity’s best chance. Margaret Mead said, 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.' Small groups of people with an evolved consciousness will change the world – if they grow into a critical mass in time. There could not be a nobler or more important task in our day than to empower this evolution.’
Václev Havel:
‘Transcendence is the only real alternative to extinction.’
The Stillpoint is the interface between dimensions - the primal portal between dimensions - and this site is entirely about the need to open this portal and, through resonance with the higher consciousness and in-formation field on the other side of the Stillpoint veil, lift our own collective consciousness.
The heart of the communication, as well as almost all of the aspects of the guidance discussed in the preceding
point directly to the
Traditionally, the Stillpoint is the interface, or portal, between the implicate and explicate worlds, and is referred to as Kether, the Point of Creation at the crown of the Kaballah’s Tree of Life, the very point of interface between the manifested world that we live in and what the Kaballah calls the Limitless Mind of God . . . between dimensions.
India’s most ancient spiritual scripture, the Rig Veda, the Universe was born and developed from a core, central, point
. . . and describes the unequaled significance of this point as the
'Maha-Bindu, the point representing simultaneously the source of creation and the transcendence of all polarities and final integration at the end of the spiritual journey.’
It is the Alpha and the Omega.
Buckminster Fuller describes the geometry that defines this Stillpoint, the Vector Equilibrium, as
‘. . . the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and God.’
Scientifically, the Stillpoint lies at the center of the infinitesimally tiny sphere that science calls the point of singularity . . . one-billionth the size of a proton and of infinite density . . . the tiny sphere defined by the Schwarzschild radius and based upon the Planck constant, that defines the limit of scientific inquiry - where time and existence began. It is the point where all of manifestation emerged from what science calls ‘nothing’, and what the Lakota call the Great Mystery, through the unimaginable Big Bang explosion 14 or so billion years ago.
At the center of this tiny sphere is the entrance to Great Mystery . . . the Still
From Professor of Physics William Kinney's Infinity of Worlds, 2022
'Our understanding completely breaks down at a cosmic age of 10 -43 seconds [the Planck limit - unimaginably tiny], or a temperature of 10 32 Kelvin [the Planck limit - unimaginably hot] . . . the universe at this point dissolved into mystery, beyond the limit of human knowledge.'
All of these descriptions define the Stillpoint as the ultimate interface between worlds . . . between dimensions . . . between our world and the Great Mystery.
It is the primal portal, the
And this is why the evolved higher intelligence that created our solar system symbolically embedded the most sacred and profound information it has to share - the Stillpoint - the very heart of sacred geometry . . . a geometry that
Does not Manifest
in the dimensions of the
Earth . Moon . Sun
- so that it could not be ignored.
We were all born into a dualistic world . . . yes/no, zero/one, up/down, black/white, left brain/right brain, masculine/feminine, being/thought, subject/object, matter/spirit, body/mind, good/evil world - the manifested world where the evolution of life and of consciousness happens. On Earth, this process has been going on for 3 1/2 billion years . . . years filled with the need to survive at any cost - eat-or-be-eaten, tooth-and-claw, survival/fear. We have reached the archetypal crossroad where we either transform our consciousness from this dualism to a synthesis that creates the awareness that we are all connected, all One being, working together as stewards in the Garden of Eden we’ve been given . . . or perish.
Around 200,000 years ago, life and consciousness had evolved on Earth to the level of Homo sapien . . . humans like us . . . with much larger brains, opposable thumbs, and the ability to create and refine tools that led to all sorts of evolutionary breakthroughs . . . as well as the attributes of self-awareness and free will.
'For millions of years all humans, early and modern alike, had to find their own food. They spent a large part of each day gathering plants and hunting or scavenging animals. By 164,000 years ago modern humans were collecting and cooking shellfish and by 90,000 years ago modern humans had begun making special fishing tools. Then, within just the past 12,000 years, our species, Homo sapiens, made the transition to producing food and changing our surroundings. Humans found they could control the growth and breeding of certain plants and animals. This discovery led to farming and herding animals, activities that transformed Earth’s natural landscapes - first locally, then globally. As humans invested more time in producing food, they settled down. Villages became towns, and towns became cities. With more food available, the human population began to increase dramatically. Our species had been so successful that it has inadvertently created a turning point in the history of life on Earth.'
Free will: ‘The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.’ Yet the word ‘free’ is misleading as we gradually wean ourselves from billions of years of ingrained survival/fear-based reality. It’s a process. We are learning. The world we see today is the result of collective human ‘free’ will making the choices it has . . . especially in the last 12,000 years.
The creators of our solar system knew that it was possible that we would find ourselves in the predicament we’re now in . . . looking into the abyss of the 6th extinction . . . and embedded a Hail Mary pass, a communication, in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. The heart of this communication points directly to the Stillpoint geometry . . . the very interface between their world and ours . . . between dimensions. They certainly didn’t do all this so that we could simply talk about it.
Our general level of consciousness is still mired in the old paradigm, and without some kind of dramatic shift in global human consciousness, we are not going to be able to change the direction we’re headed. We are not only being asked to know this . . . but to act.
From Richard Tarnas’s Passion of the Western Mind:
‘A threshold must now be crossed, a threshold demanding a courageous act of faith, of imagination, of trust in a larger and more complex reality; a threshold, moreover, demanding an act of unflinching self-discernment . . . [the masculine and feminine] synthesis leads to something beyond itself: It brings an unexpected opening to a larger reality that cannot be grasped before it arrives, because this new reality is itself a creative act.’
The Stillpoint is the interface, the opening, the veil . . . the portal . . . between worlds.
I believe that we are being asked to open this portal.
Lift this veil.
It is up to us.
Attempting to open this portal, crossing this threshold, exposing humanity to this now-proven higher intelligence, to this higher reality, this higher frequency, through resonance, requires
'A courageous act of faith, of imagination, of trust in a larger and more complex reality.'
‘God’ did not come ready-made, omnipotent and omniscient.
He/she/it is . . . we . . .
. . . in the process of growing, of learning how to be this
fully awakened, fully aware,
compassionate, pure
What has been presented is evidence that consciousness has evolved far past our present level of collective consciousness.
Out of this eons-long process of awakening
has emerged a very hard-earned compassion,
hand-in-hand with the pure, awakened awareness
of the unity of everything that is . . .
The awareness that we are
More . . . this evolved higher consciousness is bodhisattvic . . . expressing
. . . and radically different from the normal expression of indifference we witness in the Universe.
We have been given a blueprint
from the implicate world . . . the Stillpoint geometry . . . to bring Spirit into Form . . .
creating access to this
higher consciousness and/or the Akashic record . . . and through
with this vastly higher vibration and frequency . . .
we raise our own frequency - and our collective level of
Global Consciousness
When our Universe exploded out of the Mystery some 14 billion-years ago, its constituents were very basic . . . elementary particles forming the first, very simple, atoms – hydrogen, helium, etc. As time progressed, matter steadily 'complexified' . . . stars made up of simpler elements eventually imploded, creating the more complex molecules required for complex life. As matter became more complex, so did consciousness. The question for science has always been: 'How does inert matter produce consciousness?' . . . how does the micro-consciousness of, say, a grain of sand, combine into the higher-level and obvious macro-consciousness we witness in entities like humans and other mammals?
The resonance theory of consciousness posits that this happens through resonance – which can be defined as a shared vibratory frequency/synchrony or field coherence . . . similar to Rupert Sheldrake's idea of morphic fields. According to this theory, matter/consciousness complexifies as a function of greater resonant interconnections. 'Biologically evolved entities rely on resonance between their constituent parts to achieve far more complex types of consciousness.'
'When we see matter as fundamentally wave-like, it is not hard to see why shared resonance leads to faster energy and information flows, and resulting macro-conscious entities. All physical processes are, at least in part, different types of waves, so when various entities resonate at the same frequency the waves work together, instead of in opposition. This allows for significantly higher bandwidth and speed in the energy and information flows between the constituents of whatever resonating structure we’re looking at. The resonating wave forms of the micro-conscious entities are then coherent and information flows combine into a larger entity, a larger harmonic, rather than occurring out of phase (decoherently).'
During the process of resonance, energy transfers from one object to another. The second object then responds to this additional frequency/energy by vibrating in concert. Movement is caused in the other object without touching. When different vibrating processes come into proximity, they will often start vibrating together at the same frequency. So . . . one can energize 'other' through structure, thought, sound and light – through vibration. The objects get in 'sync' and, in more complex systems, the speed, or frequency, allows biological life to achieve larger-scale resonant structures than would otherwise not be possible – and significantly larger macro-conscious entities than are achieved in non-living systems (a grain of sand) allowing for richer and faster information and energy flows. Shared resonance leads to increased and faster energy/information flow because energy/information flows that are in sync, work together, and are thus amplified (coherent) rather than being out of sync (incoherent).
The British mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, addresses the idea of micro-consciousnesses (atoms, sand, etc.) evolving into macro-consciousness in his 1929 Process and Reality. He states that 'the many become one and are increased by one' . . . meaning that a new higher-level entity arises from the synchronized lower-level entities in this binding process. 'This means that each micro-conscious entity is, upon achieving a shared resonance, included in a new higher-level conscious entity, but the micro-conscious entities are not extinguished through such combination. The new macro-conscious entity supervenes on the micro-conscious entities.' Shared resonance leads micro-conscious entities to combine into macro-conscious entities, resulting in a higher frequency of information sharing. Further, the 'more complex the synchronization is, the more complex the consciousness - the billions of neurons that fire in the brain together to make a decision and form our experience of the world are extremely sophisticated, yielding a rich and dynamic sense of self.’
What is being said here is that consciousness evolves through resonance, and that as consciousness evolves and becomes more complex it supports, in a ratcheting manner, the particular system it is a part of. On the largest scale, we are talking about the evolution of consciousness in the Universe as evolving consciousness complexifies and feeds back into the overall process. It is a process that increases exponentially - as the process is accelerated. This is what we're witnessing in our own solar system . . . in particular on planet Earth. The intention here is to align our own relatively micro consciousnesses with the almost infinitely evolved macro consciousness, or frequency, responsible for the creation of our solar system.
From Ervin Laszlo’s The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field:
'Based on my NDE [Near Death Experience] research, I conclude that our waking consciousness, which we experience as our daily consciousness, is only a complementary aspect of our whole and infinite nonlocal consciousness. This consciousness is based on indestructible and constantly evolving fields of information, where all knowledge, wisdom, and unconditional love are present and available, and these fields of consciousness are stored in a dimension beyond our concept of time and space with nonlocal and universal interconnectedness. One could call this our higher consciousness, divine consciousness, or cosmic consciousness. It’s the Akashic field to which conditions at the portals of death provide a special kind of access.'
What we are witnessing in the precision of our solar system and the symbolic embedding of the Stillpoint geometry . . . the geometry of consciousness . . . in the dimensions of the
Earth , Moon . Sun
is a
I believe that this was done so that evolving humanity would discover and use it to open this
raising our collective level of consciousness through
Precisely when evolving humanity needs it the most.
The following section, TEMPLE, is a detailed presentation of how opening this portal may be accomplished.