Why are we here?

Science tells us that the fact that we exist is a pinpoint in infinity . . . a random accident . . . a happy coincidence. Other than some kind of exponentially rare chance occurrence . . . or infinite universes that offer up infinite possibilities and we just happen to be in this one . . . it appears that it is 'impossible' that we are. 'Impossible' refers to the lack of any credible scientific explanation, and is in quotes because we are here . . . me, you, Beethoven, Shakespeare and Einstein.

Ironically, through the brilliant discoveries of the precise mathe-matical constants included in the equations that describe the physical reality of the Universe, it is science itself that provides us with the evidence that explains how the Girl with a Pearl Earring . . . or something very much like it . . . is inevitable.


While the Universe within which we exist is almost impossible according to any law of materialistic scientific inquiry sans chance or infinite universes/infinite possibilites, Ilya Prigogine, the chemist-physicist-recipient of the Noble prize in Chemestry, put it this way:

'The statistical probability that organic structures and the most precisely harmonized reactions that typify living organisms would be generated by accident, is zero.'


That we're here by chance is absurd.

Not only are we here for a reason . . . but, even more amazing, we are aware of it.

Albert Einstein:

'The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.'

Within this Universe, science has determined that there are very specific principles - laws - that govern or organize and make possible all that we see, all that we are, all that is. Six of the equations that describe the laws determening the physical reality of the Universe include incomprehensibly precise mathematical constants, and are the subject of Sir Martin Rees's book Just Six Numbers.

Rees, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, argues that six numbers underlie the fundamental physical properties of the Universe, and that each is the precise value needed to permit life . . . and that, in fact, if any one of the numbers were different ‘even to the tiniest degree, there would be no stars, no complex elements, no life’. Ervin Laszlo suggests that there may be as many as 36 of these constants.

From physicist Paul Davies:

'The really amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balanced on a knife-edge, but that the entire universe is balanced on a knife-edge, and would be total chaos if any of the natural ‘constants’ were off even slightly. You see, even if you dismiss man as a chance happening, the fact remains that the universe seems unreasonably suited to the existence of life - almost contrived - you might say a ‘put-up job'.

Rees has stated that 'The physical laws were themselves 'laid down' in the Big Bang,' but admitted that: 'The mechanisms that might 'imprint' the basic laws and constants in a new universe are obviously far beyond anything we understand.' Indeed. Rees' six numbers are found in the Universe’s smallest and largest structures. Two relate to basic forces, two determine the size and large-scale texture of the Universe, and two fix the properties of space itself. They are:

1. E (Epsilon) - The strength of the force that binds atomic nuclei together and determines how all atoms on Earth are made.

2. N (newton) - The number that measures the strength of the forces that hold atoms together divided by the force of gravity between them.

3. Ω (Omega) - The number that measures the density of material in the Universe - including galaxies, diffuse gas, and dark matter.

4. λ (Lambda) – The number that describes the strength of a previously unsuspected force, a kind of cosmic anti-gravity that controls the expansion of the Universe. It is sometimes referred to and the cosmological constant.

5. Q - The number representing the amplitude of complex irregularities or ripples in the expanding Universe that seed the growth of such structures as planets and galaxies.

6. D - The number of spatial dimensions in our Universe – 3.

Each of these critical numbers signify a precision upon which, if any one of them were not precisely as it is, the Universe as we know it would not exist . . . we do not exist. The precision of each one of these numbers also means that the chance of our being here to witness all of this is infinitesimally small.

If each of the six numbers Rees has identified were dependent upon the others . . . that is, if the existence of any one of the numbers was inherently related to any of the others . . . the chances of this Universe being just as it is would still be infinitesimally small. But this is not the case. ‘At the moment, however,’ says Rees, ‘we cannot predict any of them from the value of the others.’ Further, each number compounds the unlikelihood of each of the other numbers. If a one in ten chance is given to each of these constants happening by chance (an absurdly low number), then the chance of all of them happening randomly is obtained by multiplying 1/10th x 1/10th x 1/10th x 1/10th x 1/10th x 1/10th = one chance in 1 millionand there may be thirty-six of them.

Another way of saying this, well within the scientific mind, is that if a from-nothing, briefly existing molecule is absurdly unlikely, a from-nothing, nearly 14-billion-year-old observable Universe based on very precise, particular limits (the six numbers, etc.) is vastly less likely.

This means that this ‘unlikelihood’ is compounded exponentially, meaning that the chances of this Universe happening accidentally just like this is comparable to the relationship of a pinpoint in the midst of the infinity that, scientifically speaking, the Universe appears to be.

A pinpoint.


Further, there are some twenty factors that have been discovered to be essential for the existence of complex, carbon-based life forms – us. Apparently, all of these conditions have to exist simultaneously for complex life to exist . . . and, like Rees's six numbers, none of them can be predicted from the value of the others. They include:

• Liquid water.

• The distance of the planet from the star it orbits (the Goldilocks zone).

• The kind of star . . . Sun . . . necessary - a main sequence G2 dwarf star.

• Protection from asteroids and other projectiles from outer space by giant gas planets (Jupiter and Saturn).

• A nearly circular orbit.

• An oxygen/nitrogen-rich atmosphere.

• The correct mass.

• Orbited by a large moon.

• A magnetic field.

• Plate tectonics.

• The correct ratio of water and continents.

• A terrestrial planet (rocky land masses).

• A moderate rate of rotation.

• The right location within the galaxy (various factors).


Dr. William Lane Craig, a Christian wrter and philosopher of science, from The Privileged Planet:

‘If you deny the process of cosmic design [the Creator-God of orthodox, organized, religion] you’re basically left with two alternatives: either this fine-tuning is a result of physical necessity, that is to say, there is some unknown theory to explain why these constants and quantifiers have to have the values they do, or else you just have to say this just occurred by chance alone. That is, the result of sheer accident. Well, that first theory doesn’t seem too plausible because there just isn’t any theory that would explain why all these constants and quantities have the values they do. They appear to be just arbitrarily put in at the creation as initial conditions.

With respect to the second alternative . . . chance . . . most theorists recognized that the odds against the Universe being life-permitting are just so fantastic that chance simply cannot be faced unless you say that our Universe does not represent the only roll of the dice. And so what many theorists have been driven to is multiplying our probabilistic resources by saying maybe our Universe isn’t the only roll of the dice. Maybe there are out there parallel, unseen, undetectable universes, and that our Universe is just one in this cosmic crapshoot in which there is an infinite number of other worlds in which the constants and quantities vary randomly and so by chance alone somewhere in this infinite ensemble of universes, our universe would have appeared by chance alone, and here we are, the lucky beneficiaries and recipients of this chance hypotheses. So in order to rescue the chance hypothesis, physicists have been driven beyond physics to metaphysics, to this extraordinary hypothesis of a world’s ensemble of an infinite number of randomly ordered worlds in order to explain away this appearance of design.’

While Craig says that these constants 'appear to be just arbitrarily put in at the creation as initial conditions’, no mention is made as to who or what may have put them there . . . yet the implication is clearly that this was through the 'process of cosmic design' . . . that is, a cosmic Designer – the Creator-God. This is essentially the best that orthodox religion or science can do . . . it's one of three choices:

1. The familiar 'Creator-God' has always been a handy way to explain away this miraculous grandeur we live within – some version of 'It's God's Will'.

2. An unknown and unlikely scientific theory explaining away the precision of the constants. There is no 'law' that could possibly explain all of the 'coincidences' required for you to be reading this right now.

3. Infinite universes offering infinite possibilities . . . an 'infinite number of randomly ordered worlds' - ours being the one we happen to witness.

Faced with such overwhelming improbability, cosmologists have scrambled to offer an explanation. The simplest is the so-called brute fact argument - the weight of an endless supply of possibilities finally offering up the world as we know it. ‘A person can just say: ‘That's the way the numbers are. If they were not that way, we would not be here to wonder about it. Many scientists are satisfied with that,' says Rees. Typical of this kind of thinking is Theodore Drange, a professor of philosophy at the University of West Virginia, who claims it is nonsensical to get worked up about the idea that our life-friendly Universe is ‘one of a kind.' As Drange puts it:

‘Whatever combination of physical constants may exist, it would be one of a kind.'

Yah . . . well . . .

Rees also objects, drawing from an analogy given by philosopher John Leslie. ‘Suppose you are in front of a firing squad, and they all miss. You could say, 'Well, if they hadn't all missed, I wouldn't be here to worry about it.' But it is still something surprising, something that can't be easily explained. I think there is something there that needs explaining.'

Well . . . yah . . .

Infinite universe's offering up infinite possibilities is science's only stab at plausibility for this Universe happening by chance . . . and it’s metaphysical at best.

But there is a fourth possibility regarding Martin Rees’s six numbers upon whose ‘impossible’ precision our Universe depends.

John Wheeler, the renowned professor of mathematics at Princeton for nearly four decades in the mid-1900’s, said that ‘. . . every it - every particle, every field of force, even the spacetime continuum itself - derives its function, its meaning, its very existence entirely - even if in some contexts indirectly - from the apparatus-elicited answers to yes-or-no questions, binary choices, bits.

He envisioned these yes-or-no, one-or-zero, questions as the most basic way the ‘apparatus’ worked. Wheeler: ‘Not until you start asking a question, do you get something . . . the situation cannot declare itself until you've asked your question. But the asking of one question prevents and excludes the asking of another [that’s to say, as the process proceeds, it learns].’

The initial, quantum-level questions are asked and answered in entangled zeros and ones . . . learning happens . . . and evolution proceeds.

Stephen Hawking stated in the 2011 film Did God Create the Universe?, along with Martin Rees, that he believed that the laws of nature are fixed and always have been . . . ‘laid down’ at the Universe’s inception. Yet:

'The mechanisms that might 'imprint' the basic laws and constants in a new universe are obviously far beyond anything we understand.'

The mechanism is the evolution of consciousness in the Universe.

I was shocked to learn that the most famous and influential theoretical physicist and cosmologist in today’s world, the late Stephen Hawking, had abandoned his belief in these fixed laws in his later years. On the Origins of Time: Stephen Hawking’s Final Theory chronicles the 20-year collaboration with Belgian cosmologist Thomas Hertog during which this turn-around happened.

In a recent article for The Guardian, Hertog tells us that Hawking told him ‘I have changed my mind. My book, A Brief History of Time, is written from the wrong perspective.’ In the article, he goes on to say:

'Stephen and I discovered how physics itself can disappear back into the Big Bang. Not the laws as such but their capacity to change has the final word in our theory. This sheds a new light on what cosmology is ultimately about.' According to Hertog, the new perspective that he has achieved with Hawking reverses the hierarchy between laws and reality in physics and is 'profoundly Darwinian' in spirit. 'It leads to a new philosophy of physics that rejects the idea that the universe is a machine governed by unconditional laws with a prior existence, and replaces it with a view of the universe as a kind of self-organising entity in which all sorts of emergent patterns appear, the most general of which we call the laws of physics.'

In other words . . . the laws of the Universe are learned and they change and evolve.

A word must be said here, before going on, about the extraordinary humility and open-mindedness of the late Stephen Hawking. He was a once-in-a-lifetime genius who witnessed the gradual disintegration of his own body from within that body from the age of 21 until his death at 76 . . . until he could not even speak through a machine . . . until, as Adyashanti stated so eloquently about the evolution of consciousness in the Universe . . . there was ‘only awareness remaining’.

Stephen Hawking sought the Truth . . . and was willing to sacrifice his own reputation to the joy of finding it . . . as his thinking evolved.

These physical laws, and the finely-tuned constants they depend on, appeared at the genesis of our Universe with so much certainty and precision because they were learned in an unknown history of attempts at universal expression eons-long ago in the past.

Imagine nascent consciousness in Meher Baba’s ‘beyond-beyond’ state of oblivion having its first viable ‘thought’ . . . the Stillpoint portal leading to a dualistic universe unknown eons ago where these yes-or-no, one-or-zero, questions can be asked . . . and finally, through this eons-long learning process, creates the Universe we live in, where fully awakened, evolved, consciousness is capable of creating a solar system to accelerate this evolution - or, as Ervin Lazslo describes in Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything:

‘In the course of innumerable universes, the pulsating Metaverse realizes all that the primeval plenum held in potential. The plenum is no longer formless: its surface is of unimaginable complexity and coherence; its depth is fully in-formed. The cosmic proto-consciousness that endowed the primeval plenum with its universe-creative potentials becomes a fully articulate cosmic consciousness – it becomes, and thenceforth eternally is, THE SELF-REALIZED MIND OF GOD.’

If, say, our own Universe is driven by the purpose to awaken, originating through a singular point of creation, the Stillpoint, then all universes evolve through this Stillpoint – the six numbers are learned as consciousness evolved.

The theoretical biologist Rupert Sheldrake hypothesizes that the ‘laws’ of nature are in fact habits . . . that is, the laws as we experience them evolved through an interaction of growing awareness and experience. In the spirit of ‘as above, so below’, it is only logical that evolving consciousness learned, through eons of attempts as universal expression, how to create a universe that would allow complex, self-aware, life forms to exist – allowing the evolution to continue.

Within our own solar system, there are at least 13coincidences’, involving phenomena both fixed at the solar system’s genesis, as well as phenomena relating to the uncanny timing found in the GUIDANCE section, as well as at least 5 spacial and temporal empirical facts regarding the creation of the Great Pyramid in THE STILLPOINT PYRAMID section . . . 18 total . . . [there are many more, but the point is made] all of which are not related to each other.

As with Rees’s six numbers, even if one gives each ‘coincidence’ an absurdly low 1/10 chance of occurring, multiplying each unlikely empirical fact by the next 18 times: 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 110 = 1e-18 . . . or 1 over 1 with 18 zeros behind it. The likelihood of a solar system like ours happening by chance is ‘impossible’.

Our Universe . . . driven by the purpose to awaken . . . was born from countless unknown attempts at universal expression . . . finally manifesting as the observed Universe we see today because awakening awareness learned how to create the empirical phenomena (photons, electrons, atoms, molecules, DNA, etc.) required for evolution to proceed.

Further, evidence suggests that our particular solar system, within this infinite vastness . . . was created intentionally . . . by an evolved higher intelligence for the acceleration of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe.




Why Now?

In the PERFECT TOTAL ECLIPSE, GUIDANCE and THE STILLPOINT PYRAMID sections, an array of ‘impossible coincidences’ are presented proving the intentional creation of our solar system. Among these are many tiny windows in vast timelines lasting from thousands to millions to billions of years that all coincide in the infinitesimally tiny window amidst the 3 1/2-billion-years of life on planet Earth when humans happen to be alive to be witness . . . now.

Why now?

The creators of our solar system knew at its inception that, in time, consciousness would evolve on planet Earth to the point where all of what has been presented on this site would be seen and understood . . . now.

They also knew that at some point civilization would reach the archetypal juncture, or crossroads, in its evolutionary process that we are now facing . . . the threat of extinction due to our inability to wean ourselves from the dualistic, tooth-and-claw world that got us here.


Dr. Steven Greer, the founder of the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), as well as the Disclosure Project, mentions this interval in his talk in London in September of 2015. When addressing the status of our present level of collective consciousness, he said:

'As [physicist] Michio Kaku points out, we're not even a Level One civilization. We're at level Zero. Level One is: You're living peacefully and you're not cannibalizing your biosphere and have sustainable energy systems that don't endanger the environment.'

This is an idea that science has pondered for decades. Putting aside for the moment that there is ample evidence of extraterrestrial visitation to planet Earth, science refuses to accept this evidence . . . and consequently posits reasons for why - if the Universe contains trillions of planets - there is no solid evidence, in its view, of extraterrestrial life.

Science’s Great Filter theory posits that other civilizations have existed during the history of the universe, but they all came to their own demise before they got a chance to make contact with us. It is clear that ‘we’re on track to 'filter' ourselves out of existence as well’. What aliens may have done to destroy themselves could hold the key to saving our own civilization.

From an article called NASA Has a Theory for Why We Might Be Alone in the Universe:

'The key to humanity successfully traversing such a universal filter is . . . 'identifying those attributes in ourselves and neutralizing them in advance,' JPL astrophysicist Jonathan Jiang and his coauthors wrote in a new study.

The Great Filter was originally proposed by Robin Hanson, a George Mason University economist, back in 1996. In Hanson’s theory, there’s something - or a lot of somethings - that prevents intelligent life from thriving on its home planet, expanding to other planets and surviving long enough to make contact with aliens such as us.

To understand the Great Filter, Jiang and his coauthors turned a mirror on humanity. Whatever seems likeliest to kill us might also pose an existential threat to intelligent life on other planets, they proposed. They drew up a short list of the biggest threats to the human species, all but one of which are entirely our own fault – an asteroid. But the other civilization-killers the JPL team think are likely are self-inflicted.  Nuclear war. Pandemic. Climate change. Runaway artificial intelligence. Jiang’s team chalks up these existential risks to what they describe as deeply ingrained dysfunction in intelligent beings such as humans. 'Dysfunction may snowball quickly into the Great Filter’, the researchers wrote.

But dysfunction isn’t inevitable, Jiang and his coauthors stressed. 'The foundation for many of our possible filters finds its roots in immaturity,' they wrote. We could grow up as a species, dismantle our nukes, switch to clean energy, tamp down on the zoonotic viruses that cause the worst pandemics and even develop better technology for deflecting planet-killing asteroids.

All of these reforms require humanity to work together, the JPL team wrote: 'History has shown that intraspecies competition and, more importantly, collaboration, has led us towards the highest peaks of invention. And yet, we prolong notions that seem to be the antithesis of long-term sustainable growth. Racism, genocide, inequity, sabotage . . . the list sprawls.'

With peace, love and understanding - and some major technological breakthroughs - we just might survive our own self-destructive tendencies and defy the Great Filter. And if we can work together to get past the filter, it stands to reason other civilizations could, too. Our own survival should give us hope that someday, somehow, we’ll meet the other Great Filter survivors.'

We have reached the archetypal interval, the global level of crisis, spoken of in the Great Filter theory, and referred to by Michio Kaku . . . and this is why the creators of our solar system embedded the geometry of the Stillpoint portal as a communication woven into the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

But we are not going to take the actions required.

We just aren’t.

For anyone who doubts that we have instigated the 6th global extinction, read Elizebeth Kolbert’s The 6th Extinction, or has any desire to look the facts regarding irreversible global warming straight in the eye, see here. For a visual of some of what we’re doing to the oceans, here is a video of what is happening on one coastline in Guatemala.

Regarding the threat of nuclear annihilation:

'The world is closer to annihilation than it has ever been since the first nuclear bombs were released at the close of World War II, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Tuesday [January 24, 2023]. The time on the Doomsday Clock moved forward from 100 seconds to midnight to 90 seconds to midnight. It’s a reset of what has come to be known as the Doomsday Clock, a decades-long project of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists featuring a clock face where midnight represents Armageddon. The world is facing a gathering storm of extinction-level consequences, exacerbated by the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Historically, the clock has measured the danger of nuclear disaster, but that's not the only apocalyptic scenario being considered. Climate change, bioterrorism, artificial intelligence and the damage done by mis- and disinformation also have been included in the mix of possible cataclysms.'

The article above regarding NASA’s theory about why we may be alone in the Universe suggests that ‘if we can work together . . . collaborate’, we can transcend our ‘dysfunction’. But our collective level of global consciousness . . . our ‘immaturity’ . . . will not permit it in the time we have left without some kind of out-of-the-box, new paradigm, solution.

And this is why the Stillpoint, or consciousness, geometry was woven into the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun . . . as a communication to evolving humanity regarding the incomparable importance of expanded, enlightened awareness as a cure to the overwhelming dysfunction our civilization is now lost in.

Working together is the key . . . and we are far from being capable of doing that as we presently are.

Much has been said regarding the scientific understanding of the Stillpoint, the ‘tiny dot’, the ‘singularity’ . . . the Oneness or Unity . . . that is the genesis of all that is. Here is a reading of the poem ‘Singularity (after Stephen Hawking)’ by its author, Marie Howe, which offers a more compassionate understanding and ends with the words:

‘A tiny tiny tiny tiny dot brimming with is is is is is . . . all . . . everything

. . . home.'

From Stillpoint:

Long ago, we sailed and rowed across the endless water to land on the luxurious shores of what we called Rapa Nui - what we now call Easter Island . . . only to consume everything there, doomed to isolation and extinction when there were no more trees left to craft the canoes so necessary for survival. Easter Island is a speck in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, the humans stranded there long ago by their own means, the island ravaged, their choices gone – one of many such examples.


We now find ourselves in just that situation . . . stranded on a finite planet of dwindling abundance in the infinity of the Universe, devouring everything in our way, refusing to curb our appetites, oblivious to the dark future we are certainly creating. We have not changed much where it counts the most.

There are people who believe that the technology of science is our canoe, ready to jump outwards toward the stars as our dying world can no longer support us . . . or ready to merge with the world of artificial intelligence – certainly that will save us from ourselves! Some believe that a natural (Earth generated) purge of these billions will save 'us' (but of these with whom I've talked - always those who love the Earth and all its beauty, not those with any agenda of such - it is never them that will be a part of that purge). Others believe that of the many social, political, economic, environmental or religious revisionings that have temporarily moved us forward in the past will do so again – the hope that if we change the system we're trapped in – capitalism say . . . that all will be OK. Others believe that a 'free' energy that breaks the chains of our addiction to the burning oil that is annihilating our environment will make the difference – hoping that making 'free' energy available to the multitudes will fix what's wrong.

What remains, if any of those revisionings were to happen, is our general level of consciousness that has, at the very least, a 12,000 year record of consistency. None of these temporary 'solutions' would address the fundamental, underlying problem – who we presently are.

And this is the reason that all of those improbable timelines coincide

. . . now.



Accuracy: Earth Moon Sun

The geometric precision witnessed throughout our solar system is not seen anywhere else in the observed Universe.

There would be no reason to write Stillpoint, nor create this website, were it not for the 'impossible' precision and accuracy of the measurements upon which all of this discovery is based.

This will be the first discussion regarding the critical measurements and their precision, and concerns the Earth, Moon and Sun . . . and the Earth-Moon Diagram.

More information will follow regarding other critical measurements that include The Message in Detail (concerning spacial and temporal relationships between the Earth, Moon and Sun), Perfect Total Eclipse, Kepler's Discovery, More Precision - The Planetary Orbits, The Ecliptic & The Plane of the Galaxy and The Great Pyramid.

The following data is from NASA.

The Earth:

Equatorial Radius: 6378.137 kilometers, or 3963.191 miles x 2 = 7,926.382 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 7,920 miles = 99.92% accuracy.

Polar Radius: 6356.752 kilometers, or 3949.903 miles x 2 = 7,899.806 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 7,920 miles = 99.74% accuracy.

Volumetric mean radius: 6371.000 kilometers, or 3958.756 miles x 2 = 7,917.512 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 7,920 miles = 99.97% accuracy.

The Moon:

Equatorial Radius: 1738.1 kilometers, or 1,080.01 miles x 2 = 2,160.2 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 2,160 miles = 99.99% accuracy.

Polar Radius: 1736.0 kilometers, or 1,078.7 miles x 2 = 2,157.4 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 2,160 miles = 99.88% accuracy.

Volumetric mean radius: 1737.4 kilometers, or 1,079.57 miles x 2 = 2,159.14 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 2,160 miles = 99.96% accuracy.

The Earth-Moon Diagram Proof:

The Volumetric mean radius of the Moon: 1,079.57 miles x 3 = 3,238.71 miles = radius of 3rd Layer Sphere.


The radius of an inscribed sphere (tangent to each of the octahedron's faces) where Ri is the radius and A is the length of the octahedron’s edge is:

Ri = A ÷ 6 x √6 or A x 0.40825

3,238.71 miles (radius of 3rd Layer Sphere) = A x 0.40825

3,238.71 miles ÷ 0.40825 = A

A = 7,933.1537 miles


The midradius, or radius of the sphere tangent to the middle of each edge of the octahedron, where Rm is the radius and A is the length of the octahedron’s edge is:

Rm = A ÷ 2

Rm = 7,933.1537 miles ÷ 2 = 3,966.5768 miles

Rm = 3,966.5768 miles x 2 = 7,933.1537 miles = diameter of Earth

Volumetric mean radius of Earth (NASA): 3958.756 miles x 2 = 7,917.512 miles diameter.

Volumetric mean diameter: 7,917.512 miles ÷ calculated diameter: 7,933.1537 miles = 99.8% accuracy.


(Click on image to open in larger view)


The Sun:

Volumetric mean radius: 695,700 kilometers, or 432,287.938 miles x 2 = 864,575.876 miles diameter. Idealized diameter: 864,000 miles = 99.93% accuracy.

The diameter of the Sun relative to the diameter of the Moon:

864,575.876 miles / 2,159.14 miles = 400.426.

Idealized diameter of the Sun relative to the idealized diameter of the Moon: 864,000 miles / 2160 miles = 400

Percent accuracy: 99.89%




The Message in Detail

From Who Built the Moon? by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler.



The number of rotations in an Earth year


The number of Megalithic Yards in 1Mg second of arc of the Earth


The percentage size Earth to Moon


The ratio of the size [diameter] of the Moon to that of the Sun


The number of times the Moon is closer to the Earth than the Sun


The number of Megalithic Yards in 1 Mg second of arc of the Sun


The number of kilometers the Earth turns on its axis in a day


The number of kilometers the Moon turns on its axis in a day


The number of days in 366 lunar orbits


The number of Megalithic Yards in 1 Mg second of arc of the Moon


The number of times the Earth rotates faster than the Moon


The ratio of the size [diameter] of the Earth to that of the Sun


The number of Earth diameters across the diameter of the Sun


The number of solar diameters across the Earth's orbit at aphelion


The sidereal days in 1 lunar orbit ( 27.322 x 4 = 109.2)


The percentage size Moon to Earth


The size [circumference] of the Moon in kilometers

Yet another amazing list of ‘coincidences’ that could only have happened intentionally . . . I hope that it is clear that there could be no possible ‘law’ that could explain all of the precision and accuracy of the ‘coincidences’ in our solar system.




The window of time when perfect total eclipse is possible:

Perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon can only be witnessed from Earth within a 1% window of the estimated 10 billion-year life of the Sun and our solar system . . . . . . or 100,000,000 years.


From a Scientific American article entitled The Solar Eclipse Coincidence, by Caleb A. Scharf, May 18th, 2012:

‘It is an interesting coincidence that the Moon should so nearly perfectly blot out the Sun, since there is really no physical reason why this has been the case . . . Every year the Moon's orbit grows by some 3.8 centimeters and our day lengthens by about 0.000015 seconds. At this present rate, in about 50 million years the Moon will never completely eclipse the Sun, it will simply appear too small in the sky. This orbital evolution also implies that total solar eclipses in the distant past would have been just that - completely obliterating the Sun from view. It is very likely that a scientifically minded Tyrannosaurus Rex never got to see the circle of fire, or Baily's Beads in an eclipse and annular eclipses of the Sun.

So is there some great significance to the fact that we humans just happen to exist at a time when the Moon and Sun appear almost identically large in our skies? Nope, we're just landing in a window of opportunity that's probably about 100 million years wide, nothing obviously special, just rather good luck.'

'just rather good luck' . . . 'a happy coincidence'



Kepler's Discovery

The discovery published in 1596 by Johannes Kepler regarding the orbits of the planets and the Platonic solids.


From physicist Lee Smolin’s The Trouble with Physics, regarding Kepler’s discovery:

‘The cube is a perfect kind of solid, for each side is the same as every other side, and each edge is the same length as all the other edges. Such solids are called Platonic solids. How many are there? Exactly five: besides the cube, there is the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron. It didn't take Kepler long to make an amazing discovery. Embed the orbit of Earth in a sphere. Fit a dodecahedron around the sphere. Put a sphere over that. The orbit of Mars fits on that sphere. Put the tetrahedron around that sphere, and another sphere around the tetrahedron. Jupiter fits on that sphere. Around Jupiter’s orbit is the cube, with Saturn beyond. Inside Earth's orbit, Kepler placed the icosahedron, about which Venus orbited, and with Venus's orbit was the octahedron, for Mercury.'

Kepler based his model on circular orbits centered on the Sun – perfectly circular orbits were - to Kepler - a religious certainty at the time due to the flawlessness of God's plan. He thought that he had discovered a geometric blueprint for the entire Universe designed by this commonly accepted 'Creator-God.' After he had discovered this incredible relationship between the planetary orbits and the Platonic solids, published in his 1596 Mysterium Cosmographicum, he continued to work towards more and more precise measurements that would make the discovery all the more credible.

What he discovered . . . that the orbits of the planets were, in fact, ellipses, as well as the fact that the centers of their almost circular orbits were not centered precisely on the Sun . . . only served to undermine his discovery – at least to the scientifically inclined mind obsessed with a certain understanding of precision and accuracy. In this process he discovered three very precise laws of planetary motion – the discoveries that made him famous.

In fact, the orbits of the planets are not precisely circular . . . but extremely close – most whose eccentricity is within thousandths of being a perfect circle. Still, as incredible and ‘inexplainable’ as these phenomena are, science moved on because it could make no falsifiable predictions based upon the information. In 1609, Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter and they did not conform to Kepler's theory based upon the Platonic solids. Science completely ignores the phenomena because it is unable to explain it within its own reality. Still, Kepler’s discovery remains.

Science to this day dismisses his Platonic solids/orbit theory . . . only because the orbits are eccentric by thousandths from the ideal circle. According to NASA, the eccentricities of the nine major planets and the Moon from a perfect circle are:

Mercury: 0.206

Venus: 0.007

Earth: 0.017

Moon: 0.055

Mars: 0.094

Jupiter: 0.049

Saturn: 0.052

Uranus: 0.047

Neptune: 0.010

Pluto: 0.244

One can forgive Mercury for flying so close to the Sun, and Pluto for flying so far. What is left, thousandths of a percentage point from the ideal, is that if the orbits were perfect circles (which they almost are), the five Platonic Solids (not one or two or three) are all nested within the orbits as Kepler discovered.

There is nothing in physics or in fact all of science - no 'law' - that explains this phenomenon. Nor could this be explained by any stretch of chance or accident. It is also not necessary for life or the evolution of life. Something else is happening here.

Note that the eccentricities listed are current . . . Neptune’s current eccentricity is 0.0113, but from 1800 to 2050 its mean eccentricity is 0.00859. This is to say that we have no way of knowing what the original shapes of the orbits of the planets were at their creation. NASA’s data shows that the spheres that correspond to the relative sizes of each of the six interior planets’ paths around the Sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), vary from the ideal circle on an average of .07o8 (92.92% accuracy) . . . and without Mercury this percentage of accuracy increases to .0438 (95.62% accuracy).

At that time, 1609, science was new and everything discovered scientifically about the solar system was new. Our solar system and the visible stars beyond were the known Universe at the time. Kepler saw the orbits of the planets expressing pure Platonic geometry as God's hand touching the Universe.

The observed Universe obeys, or reflects, the established laws of physics - yet none of the order witnessed here is witnessed there.

Nowhere out there is found the geometric perfection witnessed

within our solar system.

Not even close.


It's hard for us to imagine the influence the Church had in the daily life of Kepler’s world. The reality of the Sun-centered solar system threatened the Church’s Earth-centered belief.

Kepler, a devote Lutheran, saw all this as a pure expression and proof of the Creator-God so common to so many organized religious beliefs. In his Mysterium Cosmographicaum he makes this clear:

'God himself was too kind to remain idle, and began to play the game of signatures, signing his likeness into the world; therefore I chance to think that all nature and the graceful sky are symbolized in the art of geometry.'

The expression of this geometrical precision in this solar system is, in fact, an intentional 'signature,' or more importantly, a message whose authorship is clearly of a vastly higher order than our own – from a 'God that was too kind to remain idle.' Kepler was right. He understood the phenomena through the lens of his own belief in the Creator-God, separate and above, and upon the belief that our solar system was the entire Universe, and understandably thought that what he observed within the solar system is universal . . . it's not . . . making his discovery all that more extraordinary.

There is nothing close to the geometric precision witnessed . . . here . . . anywhere in the observed Universe except . . . here.

Neither the purely scientific or religious view is adequate - this needs to be seen through the lens of the much more expanded view:

The Evolution of





More Precision - Planetary Orbits

The following information is from John Martineau’s

A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System

There really is no way here to recreate all of the beautiful drawings of the orbits of the planets and their precise geometric relationships to each other found in A Little Book of Coincidence . . . images far beyond words. A Litte Book is essential reading/viewing.

The following is not close to being the complete story . . . the evidence in Coincidence is overwhelming . . . but the few examples listed below should make the point. The accuracy of these drawings will also be addressed.

There are two examples from Coincidence that are included in THE PLANETS section. The first is a drawing depicting a large circle with three smaller circles of equal circumference within it that are tangent to each other, forming an equilateral triangle, while also being tangent to the larger circle. Another circle is now drawn through the centers of the three smaller circles, having the same center as the large circle. If the large circle represents the orbit of Venus, the inner circle represents the mean orbit of Mercury (99.9%).


The second example is the relationship between the orbits of Earth and Venus. If a line is drawn between Earth and Venus every two days over a period of 8 Earth years and 13 Venusian years, a beautiful pattern emerges that is similar to a 5-petaled flower . . . all Fibonacci numbers (99.6%).


There is also a drawing showing a large circle with a pentagon inscribed within it, another pentagon inscribed within the first, and a smaller circle inscribed within the smaller pentagon. If the larger circle represents the orbit of Venus, the smaller circle represents the orbit of Mercury (99.4% accuracy), and the empty space between Mercury and Venus (99.2%). This geometry also represents Earth and Mars relative mean orbits (99.7%). The second drawing has three nested pentagons inscribed within the larger circle, with the larger circle representing the orbit of Mars and the smaller circle representing the orbit of Venus (99.6%), as well as Ceres (a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter) and Jupiter's mean orbit (99.6%).

Many drawings follow in Coincidence that I can not attempt to describe here, except to say that Mercury and Earth's physical sizes are in the same relation as their mean orbits, as well as the orbital relationships between Mercury, Venus and Earth represented by pentagons, octagons and squares (99.5% to 99.99%). Also, 'Earth and Saturn's relative orbits and sizes are both given by a 15-pointed star . . . a large circle representing the orbit and size of Saturn, with Earth's size and orbit represented by a smaller circle tangent to the lines of the 15-pointed star (% of accuracy not given).

There is a remarkable image of the orbits of Venus and Mars that involves a dodecahedron (99.98%), and Earth and Mars involving an icosahedron (99.99%). Other precise geometrical drawings represent the relationship between the orbits of Earth and Mars (99.9%), Mars and Jupiter (98.98%), and Earth and Jupiter (99.8%)

The size of the Moon to the Earth is 3:11 (99.9%). Also, '3:11 happens to be 27.3% and the Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days'.

I trust that the point is made. These examples go on and on and on and include geometric relationships between moons, between the planets and the asteroid belt, some including perfect golden ratio proportions. Coincidence is truly an overwhelming tour de force representing the precision and accuracy of the geometric relationships in our solar system.

None of these geometric relationships are normal . . . and none of what we see out there in the observed Universe is what we see here.



The Ecliptic & The Glactic Plane


Out of an infinity of possibilities, the plane of the solar system’s ecliptic is aligned exactly perpendicular to the center of the galaxy, making our Winter Solstice alignment . . . Earth/Sun/Galactic Center . . . possible.

(Click on image to open in larger view)

This alignment recently happened from 1980 through 2016 . . . the 36-year transit of the Winter Solstice alignment with the center of the galaxy, making the beginning of a new 25,920-year Precession of the Equinoxes . . . or the Great Year (NASA gives this distance as 26,000 light years or 99.7% accuracy).


The Winter Solstice alignment with the center of the galaxy through the years.

Also shown in the diagram above is that the Angle of the Solar System’s Ecliptic Plane with the Plane of the Galaxy is almost precisely 60 degrees. ‘The Sun is approximately in the plane of our galaxy. The ecliptic plane (plane of the solar system) and the galactic plane (the plane of the disc of the Milky Way) are inclined to each other at an angle of 60.2 degrees.’

60 / 60.2 = 99.67% accuracy.

60 degrees is the principle angle of the Stillpoint geometry.



The Great Pyramid


THE STILLPOINT PYRAMID section makes clear that the Great Pyramid is not an arbitrary, if precise, pile of megalithic stones. In fact, it is a physical replica, to scale, of a semi-Platonic, or ideal, semi-regular solid that is an aspect of the Stillpoint geometry.

Ekhardt Shmitz, the author of The Great Pyramid of Giza: Decoding the Measurement, meticulously analyzed the very precise measurements of the Great Pyamid taken, for the most part, by Professor Flinders Petrie in 1883. Dr. James H. Chalmers assisted Schmitz with advanced mathematical computations in the review of his paper.

The following is a list of conclusions drawn from the analysis of the relationships of dimensions found within and without the Great Pyramid – to the right in the image above.

  • A precise definition of the Royal Cubit as it relates to the Earth

  • The size and shape of the Earth

  • The Mass and Density of the Earth

  • The Gravitational Constant

  • The Escape Velocity from the Earth to obtain an Open Orbit

  • The Escape Velocity from the Earth to obtain escape from the combined Earth’s and Sun’s gravitational field

  • The significance of the location of the Great Pyramid

  • The Golden Ratio

  • The Mass of the Sun

  • The Mass of the Moon

  • The Mean distance to the Sun and the Circumference of the Earth’s Orbit

  • Neutral Points of Gravity between the Earth and the Sun

  • The Mean distance to the Moon

  • The Orbital Velocity of the Earth

  • The Orbital Velocity of the Moon

  • The Metonic 19-year cycle of the Moon’s orbit of the Earth

  • The Lagrange Point (L1) between the Earth and the Moon

  • The Speed of Light

  • The Orbital Velocity of the Solar System relative to the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy

  • The Velocity of the Local Group of Galaxies which includes the Milky Way Galaxy relative to the Universe

From The Great Pyramid of Giza: Decoding the Measurement:

'The Great Pyramid of Giza and the entire Giza Plateau may clearly be regarded as a repository of ancient knowledge . . . . It is concluded that the Great Pyramid of Giza and the entire Giza Plateau is of a highly intelligent and fully integrated design. Its construction detail demonstrates extraordinary precision in relaying highly accurate geodetic knowledge of the Earth, astronomy, astrophysics, advanced mathematics and Newtonian mechanics. Since there exist numerous examples of complimentary and corroborating values, which may be interpreted as encoded within the measurements of the Great Pyramid's geometry and the specific placement and alignments of the Pyramids and Sphinx on the Giza Plateau, it is evident, with a very high degree of probability, that the design parameters were expressly intent on conveying this advanced knowledge.'

