More Guidance


I can only hope that at this point it is clear . . . through the empirical evidence presented . . . that our solar system was intentionally created, and that at the heart of this intentionality is a communication - a communication that includes signposts, or guidance, for those still struggling in the labyrinth.

This intentionality extends to other critical aspects of the communication: foremost among these is the physical existence of the

Great Pyramid

(The pyramid to the right in the image above)

From Common Wealth, by F. Silva:


‘It could be said that the Great Pyramid alone is an analog of the planet. The reason was two-fold: one, so that the structure would serve as a reference book for posterity; and two . . . by means of distilling the universe down to number, man-made structures enter into a dialogue with the rest of the universe, and from that conversation, favorable forces come into contact with the structure and the people who enter it.’


The Great Pyramid

An Analogue of the Planet

A Referance Book for Humanity


At the heart of the communication, we witness the Earth, Moon, and Sun are expressions of the Stillpoint geometry. Closer to home, it has been shown that the perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon, as seen from Earth, also is. These two phenomena, along with the geometric precision of the orbits of the planets and the other nine signposts discussed in GUIDANCE, comprise the communication to humanity from this evolved higher intelligence thus far. We will now see that the physical presence of the Great Pyramid itself is also a critical aspect of the communication . . . both in spatial and temporal aspects.

Imagine what the original pyramid, surfaced in precision-cut, polished, megalithic blocks of white limestone, each weighing an average of 2 1/2 tons and separated by 1/50th of an inch, would look like - a razor-sharp, gleaming, brilliant white, huge and monumental pyramid built to insanely precise measurements not duplicable, and certainly not considered, today. Why?

Bright white image of original Great Pyramid, gold cap, blue-sky background

There is endless controversy regarding when the Great Pyramid was constructed . . . and by whom . . . with evidence supporting both traditional and non-traditional dates - but the groundbreaking research of Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, John Anthony West and Robert M. Schoch is far more compelling than the traditional, orthodox beliefs held by Zahi Hawass, Mark Lehner and others, and establishes evidence suggesting that the Great Pyramid is far older than commonly believed.

It's my understanding that only the outside layers of the Great Pyramid were bound together with mortar, and that the samples Mark Lehner took from this mortar were, at the most, 40 centimeters deep. While the radio-carbon dating of these samples – the time of the 4th Dynasty Egyptians - is undoubtedly accurate, there is every possibility that they were examples of repair. All of the samples came from the pyramid's exterior – between core limestone blocks or between those blocks and the former casing stones. Other than this, there is little evidence that the Giza Plateau pyramids were constructed at this time. I am unaware of any evidence that the white limestone casing stones were even in place in 2,550 B.C., other than the story told by Herodotus (sometimes referred to as the ‘Father of Lies, due to his tendency to include colorful stories and folklore in his accounts’) thousands of years later.

Evidence will now be shown that this monumental structure displays factual data that the Fourth Dynasty Egyptians could not possibly have known and is much older than traditional archeology has imagined . . . and was created either by an extraordinarily advanced civilization that predated the global catastrophe 12,000 years ago either by figuring all the following out themselves or having it given to them in some way by the creators of our solar system, or incarnated representatives of those creators, as a very real, and visceral, aspect of the communication . . . this time, on the surface of Earth, where we live.

Although there is controversy regarding its discovery, it is traditionally accepted that the circumference of the Earth was not known until the Greek, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, first calculated its polar circumference in 240 B.C . . . while the traditional, or orthodox, date of the Great Pyramid’s construction was around 2,550 B.C., thousands of years earlier. While it’s possible that Eratosthenes used an earlier method invented by the Egyptians to make his calculations - a method possibly recorded and stored in the Library of Alexandria, of which he was head librarian for a time. But the library was later destroyed and no record remains. No mention was made of any of this in any historical Egyptian records.

More to the point, while Eratosthenes’s calculations were remarkable, they do not come close to the precision embodied in the Great Pyramid, which, among many other precise measurements regarding the Earth and much more, not only describes the polar circumference, but also the equatorial circumference of the Earth. This means that after 6,000 years of minimal evolutionary progress after the cataclysm of the Younger Dryas period, Egyptians living in 2,550 B.C. somehow had the wisdom and ability to construct a precise and monumental representation, or analog, of Earth - and then this knowledge was lost in the 2,000 years that followed.

From Marco Rigato’s 15 Reasons Why Khufo Did Not Build the Great Pyramid:


'We can only make sense of this reversed evolution scenario by assuming that so many of the alleged 4th Dynasty structures and pyramids were simply appropriated by the kings of that dynasty and must be therefore the work of a civilization that vanished long before the Dynastic period and was in possession of a technology for cutting, moving and raising huge blocks of stone far in advance of that of the Dynastic (and, for what we know, also Predynastic) Egyptians. This apparent paradox is even better exemplified by . . . the utter disproportion between the individual and combined volume of the alleged 4th Dynasty Pyramids with that of all previous and later pyramids built in Egypt over the course of over a thousand years. In fact, the Great Pyramid alone contains more stone than all the pyramids built in Egypt either before or after the time of the 4th Dynasty combined.'


The measurements of the Great Pyramid relate precisely to many spatial and temporal aspects of the Earth itself. For an in-depth study of how the Great Pyramid records various aspects of Earth’s physical and temporal data, see Ekhardt Shmitz's book The Great Pyramid of Giza: Decoding the Measurement of a Monument. See also THE GREAT PYRAMID.

How could this be?

Large celestial bodies . . . stars and especially planets . . . are not perfectly spherical due to their mass and their rate of rotation. For this reason, they are called ‘oblate spheroids’. Earth’s equatorial circumference, like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun, is larger than its polar circumference . . . but this proportion . . . or flattening . . . is far from being the same in each case. The force of gravity, dependent upon mass, tends to pull the shape towards spherical, while the speed of rotation tends to flatten it. The enormous gravity generated by the mass of the Sun, along with its relatively slow rate of rotation (once every 27 days), has created a deformation that is almost spherical (.002), while Saturn is the most oblate planet in the solar system, with a daily rotation of 10 hours and 46 minutes and a flattening ratio of 0.09796. Jupiter is huge, with a mass approximately two and a half times greater than every other planet combined, but its rapid rate of rotation (9 1/2 hours) creates a flattening of 0.06487. Earth’s shape is much closer to being a sphere, with the flattening being very close to 1 in 300, or .003333.

So, how would one go about creating a great pile of stones to accurately record the spatial dimensions of the planet Earth? First, a scale had to be determined in order to do this . . .



The height of the Great Pyramid x 43,200 =

The Polar Radius of


The perimeter of the Great Pyramid x 43,200 =

The Equatorial Circumferance



Pyramids come in an infinite variety of shapes. This pyramid, which we call the Great Pyramid, exactly mirrors the

Phi Pyramid

found in the Earth/Moon Diagram . . . an aspect of the Stillpoint geometry, and named here the Stillpoint Pyramid.

Blue Earth with Moon tanget above, immersed in sacred geometry, black sky with bright stars in background

The Stillpoint/Great/Phi Pyramid embedded in the Stillpoint geometry


Great Pyramid

is a physical manifestation of the non-manifesting

Phi . Φ . Stillpoint


It is

Pure . Ideal . Primal . Fundamental


The Stillpoint/Great Pyramid is not a Platonic solid, like the cube or tetrahedron - with all sides being equal - but is an ideal or fixed, geometric shape - in this case, derived directly from the Stillpoint itself, an aspect of the Earth/Moon Diagram. Pure, Platonic solids are referred to as ‘regular solids’, while shapes like the Stillpoint Pyramid are ‘semi-regular solids’.

This could not possibly have happened by coincidence and means that the precise spatial dimensions of the Earth, as it is today, were considered at its . . .




. . . and were based upon the proportions of the Phi Pyramid as defined by the Stillpoint geometry.

That is, the creators of our solar system - of planet Earth - choreographed the gradual change in the Earth’s shape to be what it is today (and what it was 12,500 years ago) - see Timing below.

Billions of years after the creation of Earth, a great pile of precisely-cut megalithic stones, surfaced in polished limestone, appeared at latitude 29.9792458°N . . . (the speed of light happens to be 299,792,458 meters per second. More coincidence?) The Great Pyramid records this and much more . . . in millions of tons of precisely-cut stone . . . an analog of Earth guaranteed to last thousands of years and withstand global cataclysm . . . for posterity . . . for us.

All part of the



The scale of the Great Pyramid is 1/43,200:

The following information (and there’s much more!) provided by Randall Carlson:

• 43,200: Seconds/Hemisphere at Equinox

• 43,200: Miles/Solar Radius

• 432,000: Years/Kali Yuga

• 864,000: Miles/Solar Diameter

• 864,000: Years/Dwapara Yuga

• 4,320,000,000: Years/Kalpa Yuga

• 432,000: Years/Sumerian King's List

• 4,320: The sum of the angles of the Star Tetrahedron shown in the PROOF section, an expression of the Stillpoint geometry.

• 432: 1/60th of the 25,920-year precession of the equinoxes . . . the Great Year (25,920 / 432 = 60).


• One day = 24 hours • 24 hours x 60 minutes = 1,440 seconds • 1,440 minutes x 60 seconds = 86,400 seconds • 86,400/2 (or 720 minutes x 60 seconds) = 43,200 seconds.

There is a whole lot of intentional design going on here - both with empirical, scientific, fact . . . as well as with ancient spiritual wisdom. None of this happened by coincidence, none of it is required for life. There is no evidence of anything remotely like this happening anywhere but within our solar system. This is intentional creation for a reason . . . this is a communication.

Once again . . . here and here, endless connections are made between number, sound/music, geometry . . . and the fundamental, harmonic, number




The scale makes everything work . . . everything thus far presented regarding the Earth’s spatial empirical data, as well as the temporal . . . or timing . . . aspects that are about to be shared. The scale chosen for the Great Pyramid wasn’t something stumbled upon . . . but was baked-in to all of the rest of the astounding empirical phenomena at the very beginning - during


Earth's Conception

Out of an infinite number of possible pyramid shapes, the Great Pyramid just happens to precisely mirror the one shape that corresponds to the very particular shape of the Phi Pyramid found in the Stillpoint geometry. Is there any conceivable way, especially given the existence of the other examples of intentionality reviewed thus far, that this could possibly have happened by



The Great/Phi/Stillpoint Pyramid is an expression of the Stillpoint geometry . . . as is Earth. Also included in the geometry of the Great/Phi/Stillpoint Pyramid are the magical proportions of Phi and Pi. The Stillpoint geometry is the blueprint of the manifested world, and these are the proportions that govern that world - Phi governing the proportions of life itself.

From Stillpoint:


The Phi pyramid that is generated in this way from this ‘squaring the circle’ is remarkable because of its unique geometry. In this shape only, the proportional relationship between the distance from its apex to the center of its base to one/half its base (in this case, the radius of the Earth) is 1.618 : 1 - the Golden or Fibonacci proportion. This is the Phi (Φ) proportion found everywhere in nature . . . it is the equation/proportion of life, and is the geometric equivalent of the often-repeated words by the ancient Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus . . . Thoth.

As Below, So Above . . . As Above, so Below

Existence proportionally regenerating itself, infinitely large infinitely small.

Bright orange nautilus shell
White on black Golden Proportion, spirl and squares
Image of double-spiraling sunflower  . . . light green center, bright yellow flower

In the geometric drawing in the middle, above, the relationship of a side of each square to the long side of the rectangle of which it is a part is 1 : 1.618, reflected also in the Fibonacci number series where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, when divided by the first number equals 1.61810 . . . 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 (2584/1597 = 1.618033813400125234815278 . . . etc.). This proportion is fundamental to the existence of the Universe.


The Golden Ratio . The Golden Mean



Equally significant and unique to the geometry of this particular pyramid is its inclusion of another very sacred number, or more precisely, proportion. If the perimeter of the base of this pyramid is divided by twice the height, the resulting number, or proportion, is Pi (π), or 3.1415 . . . etc.

Pi (π) and Phi (Φ) have had various names and symbols throughout time since each is a relationship or proportion that can’t be expressed perfectly in number. They are transcendental numbersnumbers that can't be expressed in any finite series of either arithmetical or algebraic operations. Most importantly, it’s not the infinite irrationality of the number that is significant. Nor is the significance found in the accuracy of the numbers, but the relationship or proportion they represent.

Pi (π) expresses the mysterious link in the relationship between the straight line and the circle. (π x Diameter = the Circumference of the Circle, and π x Radius squared = the Area of a Circle. π is also critical to calculating the volume of a sphere . . . V=4/3πr³). Perhaps even more interesting is the connection between π and the square root of the Golden Section (Phi - Φ), root-Φ, in the formula: 4÷π = root-Φ.

Both of these mystical, primal, proportions are intimately connected in the geometry of the Great Pyramid, the . . .


The Stillpoint . Φ . Pyramid


This is only the beginning. The Great Pyramid also records empirical data regarding



Until recently, science believed that the original collision that created the Moon knocked the Earth’s axis off kilter to the angle we see today . . . 23.5 degrees. But in the latest scientific model, just after the collision, the Earth was tilted a dramatic 70 degrees and spun around every two hours. In time, our relatively large Moon served to slow the Earth’s spin as well as righting the degree of tilt as it moved further and further from Earth, until we see the 23.5-degree tilt we witness today. This means that the precise length of the Great Year (the time it takes the tilted axis to make one revolution - 25,920 years) has also been in flux for 4.5 billion years and is only nowthe length it is. We have no way of knowing exactly when the Great Year settled in at 25,920 years . . . only that at some point it did.

It also makes clear that the shape of the Earth - its precise percentage of oblation, or flattening, has also been in flux for all this time . . . finally settling in at its present shape - reflecting the precise shape of the Phi, or Stillpoint pyramid, sometime in the past such that it is what we are witnessing today.

The point being that the timing of all this was considered at the Earth and solar system’s genesis - two more improbable timelines . . . the gradual change in Earth’s tilt and spin - each lasting billions of years, resulting in a 24-hour day and a 25,920-year Great Year - just happen to align with the tiny window of time when we are alive to witness this . . . and is yet another uncanny example of the timing required for all this information to find its way into our collective awareness at this very particular time in our history . . . each involving the

Great Pyramid

. . . an intentional expression of the Stillpoint geometry

and critical to the communication.

Regarding the timing of the 25,920-year length of the Great Year . . . this number has been in flux for billions of years, settling in at its present time span at some in the past such that it is what it is when we are alive to witness it.

25,920, the number of years it takes the wobble of the axis of the Earth to make one full precession of the equinoxes, one full circle – the Great Year. 25,920 divided by 12 equals 2,160 (2,160 is also the diameter of the Moon in miles . . . 2,160 is also the sum of the angles of a cube . . . etc.). Multiply 2,160 by 20, you get 43,200 – the scale chosen. Further, 24 hours in a day x 60 minutes in an hour x 60 seconds in a minute = 86,400/2 = 43,200. That is, the Great Pyramid, based upon the Stillpoint or Φ Pyramid reflected in the Earth’s spatial dimensions at its creation, also enshrines the length of the Great Year as it is today; the length of one revolution, or day; and the length of an hour, a minute and a second at the very time we are alive to witness it . . . within spans of time that have been in flux for billions of years.


The 25,920-year Precession of the Equinoxes . . . the Great Year.


It is beyond credibility that a physical pyramid that includes both spatial and temporal measurements of Earth and defines the Phi or Stillpoint Pyramid amongst an infinity of possible pyramid shapes could have been designed and built by 4th Dynasty Egyptians . . . especially, as will be shown, when the temporal information encoded in the Great Pyramid is dependent not only upon the length of the Great Year, but also upon the gradual slowing-down of the Earth’s daily rotation. This means that these particular aspects, along with the scale that would eventually incorporate them in the Great Pyramid, had to have been considered at the same time as the creation of




Because of the almost koan-like nature of this statement, let me say it in a different way. It strains credulity, to say the least, that, out of an infinite array of possibilities for the shape of the Great Pyramid, its particular shape precisely mirrors the one shape that is an aspect of the non-manifesting Stillpoint geometry. And since its degree of oblation and rate of spin have been in flux for 4 1/2 billion years, this means that it reached its present shape and rate of spin through 4 1/2 billion years of exquisite, intentionally planned, choreography with the Moon as she gradually moved away from Earth . . . righting its axis to its present 23 1/2 degree slant and reducing its oblation to its present shape, while slowing down its rate of spin - so that Earth’s present shape precisely mirrors the Phi or Stillpoint Pyramid found in the non-manifesting Stillpoint geometry. The size of the Moon makes all this possible - its size, relative to Earth, is the perfect whole number relationship 3:11 - a much larger ratio than all of the other moons to their host planet other than Charon, Pluto’s moon.

Critical to the timing of this beautiful dance in the heavens is the fact that while the Earth has morphed into its present shape during this 4 1/2 billion-year timespan, so also has the Moon entered into the 1% window of time in the estimated 10 billion-year age of the solar system when perfect total eclipse - also an aspect of the Stillpoint geometry - can be witnessed from Earth.

This is a communication.

Is it conceivable that the Egyptians living 4,500 years ago . . . only 1,000 years after the Sumerians invented the wheel and after 6,000 years of little evidence of progress in the archeological record since the Younger Dryas catastrophe . . . would schlep 8,000 tons of granite blocks 500 miles, some as much as 25 to 80 tons, along with another many million tons of limestone blocks, weighing an average of 2 1/2 tons each . . . 2,300,000 precisely cut blocks in total weighing around 6 million tons . . . to build a tomb? . . . and then pile up all these millions of stones in the one pyramid shape that happens to be an aspect of the Stillpoint geometry and just happens to be an analog of Earth in both its spatial and temporal aspects?

It also pushes the limits of credibility that these same Egyptians could possibly have been aware of the 25,920-year span of the Great Year, or Precession of the Equinoxes, that is encoded in the structure. In an interesting paper written in 1996, entitled Precession and the Pyramid Astronomical Knowledge in Ancient Egypt by Jim Fournier, the author makes this prescient comment:


‘If Egypt did spring from primitives to pyramids in a scant few hundred years, it would raise serious questions about the nature of the

Evolution of Consciousness’


Historical evidence suggests that while the Great Pyramid incorporates exact and precise information regarding the Precession of the Equinoxes, this awareness steadily deteriorates through the following 700 years following the assumed and traditional dating of its construction to the 4th Dynasty Egyptians . . . meaning that while the supposed original builders were aware of the Great Year, and much more, in 2,550 B.C., later generations were not. This aligns with the same deterioration of knowledge that led to Eratosthenes’ discovery of the polar circumference of Earth thousands of years later. Both examples suggest that Egypt did not spring from primitives to pyramids in the scant few hundred years between the 1st and 4th Dynasties, but that the Great Pyramid was built sometime long in the past . . . by an intelligence far exceeding that of the 4th Dynasty Egyptians - or anyone else we’re aware of.


Also regarding the age of the Great Pyramid, something needs to be said here regarding the extraordinary, precision-cut, granite and limestone, megalithic stone blocks used in the Great, Kafre, and Menkaure Pyramids. Not only did the 4th Dynasty Egyptians not have any awareness of the knowledge embedded in the Great Pyramid, they also were not capable of making it. As mentioned above, the space between the polished limestone casing blocks is 1/50th of an inch. This precision is also found between the mammoth granite blocks used in the King’s Chamber. Not only is the precision impossible to achieve using only the copper tools of the period, but so too is the polygonal shaping . . . similar to that found in ancient sites in Peru, Easter Island, and Alac Höyük, Turkey, as well as in the Osireion Temple at Abydos and the Valley Temple of Khafre in Egypt. While the styles vary slightly, the unique polygonal fit is only barely replicable today. All this suggests the existence of an extraordinarily advanced civilization long before 2,550 B.C.


Megalithic Precision-fit Stonework, Saksaywaman, Peru, with polygonal shaping


Molded precision-fit stones at Saksaywaman, Peru . . . hello?


Precision-fit granite megalithic stonework: Osireion Temple, Egypt: notice the notches

Precision of the up to 60-ton, rectangular, granite blocks enclosing the King’s Chamber


Megalithic precision-fit granite stonework, at the base of the Menkaure Pyramid, Egypt

Precision of the polygonal granite blocks in the Valley Temple, near the Sphinx, in Egypt: notice the notches

All of the megalithic sites mentioned and shown above, suggest an ancient culture far more advanced than the 4th Dynasty Egyptians . . . a civilization existing before the Younger Dryas catastrophe, some 12,000 years ago.

For an in-depth look at the extraordinary precision seen in all this ancient megalithic stonework, as well as rock-solid . . . ;-) . . . evidence regarding the likely date of construction of these sites, see the remarkable work of Ben van Kerkwyk at UnchartedX. In one of his videos, the rather desperate attempt by Mark Lehner and Denys Stocks to cut into a block of granite using abrasive powder or sand, with a copper saw and a drill is included and linked. After a few days, they made little progress . . . but claimed that this was how the unmatched precision was accomplished . . . for thousands of many-ton blocks of granite. In another, he reviews the very ‘improbable timeline of the Old-Kingdom mega pyramid builders’.

There is also the example of the ultra-precision-cut, granite, coffin-like box, at the center of the Pyramid of Senusret II at El Lahun, ‘the most precisely made granite object of Ancient Egypt’. Sir Flinders Petrie: ‘The sarcophagus is perhaps the finest piece of mechanical work ever executed in such a hard and difficult material.’


Note that the upper surface is intentionally slanted.


Like many of the subjects addressed on this site, the precision found in the fit of megalithic cut blocks of stone around the world, and what this means, is a huge body of work that cannot be covered here. The ability to cut, move, and place many-ton blocks of granite and limestone to create these ancient megalithic sites is a critical aspect of the larger story presented here, and that story is told in depth on the UnchartedX site.


More timing: Science tells us that something hit the Earth 4.5 billion years ago . . . creating the Moon. The Moon has been steadily moving away from Earth, gradually slowing down Earth’s rotation since this event. Beginning with a day lasting 2 hours, the Moon gradually serves to slow this rate to the 24-hour day we see today.


1.4 billion years ago, a day lasted

18 Hours

70 million years ago. A day lasted

23 1/2 Hours

The Moon is responsible for this deceleration through the constant friction of its pull on the Earth’s oceans.


As the Moon slowly moves further and further from the Earth on its way to its rendezvous with the tiny window where perfect total eclipse is possible as viewed from Earth, it serves to slow the Earth’s daily rotation. The Earth’s rotation had slowed to 23 hours and 59 minutes by the time that Homo erectus evolved into Homo sapien . . . us . . . some 200,000 years ago . . . and it has taken those 200,000 years for the rotation to slow to exactly 24 hours . . . while it has also taken those 200,000 years for humans to evolve to know this.


Imagine that.

The creators of our solar system designed the shape of the Earth, as it is today, on the precise proportions of the

Phi Pyramid

found in the Stillpoint geometry.


They also designed the size of the Earth and the Moon and the Sun upon the proportions of the Stillpoint geometry and timed the Moon’s movement away from the Earth such that it would gradually slow the Earth’s rotation to 24 hours within a tiny window that just happens to be within the same tiny window where perfect total eclipse is possible and humans are alive to witness it. They also designed the length of the Great Year to be 29,520 years at the very time we are alive by righting the Earth’s tilt from its original 70 degrees to its present 23 1/2 degrees, flattening its oblation to conform to the proportions of the Phi/Stillpoint Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid was constructed either by an extraordinarily advanced civilization that predated the global catastrophe 12,000 years ago (and able to figure all this out) or by incarnated representatives of the higher consciousness responsible for the creation of our solar system . . . or both . . . a real, visceral, aspect of the communication . . . on the surface of Earth, where we live.

Imagine that.


It should be clear by now that the Earth was created intentionally and dimensioned precisely to the Phi, or Stillpoint pyramid as an aspect of the non-manifesting Stillpoint geometry. More than this, the Earth's exact shape (flattening); the 29,520-year span of time called the precession of the equinoxes (Great Year); the length of one revolution, or day; and the minute and second, were intentionally choreographed – timed - over a span of 4.6 billion years such that it was possible to memorialize all this . . . and much much more . . . in the construction of the Great Pyramid through the use of the scale chosen – 1/43,200 . . . meaning that this scale, as well as the construction of the Great Pyramid, were baked-in at the inception – at the time of the creation of the Earth itself . . . as a critical aspect of the communication.


While the Earth, Moon, and Sun are the heart of the communication, the eclipse of the Sun by the Moon is closer to home and is experienced directly by humans in a visceral way - the tiny bullseye of the Moon’s shadow moving over the land at blinding speed, visiting the entire populated world at one time or another every eighteen or so months over vast amounts of time, never visiting the same place in less than fifteen generations.

Finally and powerfully is the physical presence . . . on Earth . . . of the

Great Pyramid

From Ekhardt Shmitz's book The Great Pyramid of Giza: Decoding the Measurement of a Monument:


'The Great Pyramid of Giza and the entire Giza Plateau may clearly be regarded as a repository of ancient knowledge . . . . It is concluded that the Great Pyramid of Giza and the entire Giza Plateau is of a highly intelligent and fully integrated design. Its construction detail demonstrates extraordinary precision in relaying highly accurate geodetic knowledge of the Earth, astronomy, astrophysics, advanced mathematics and Newtonian mechanics. Since there exist numerous examples of complimentary and corroborating values, which may be interpreted as encoded within the measurements of the Great Pyramid's geometry and the specific placement and alignments of the Pyramids and Sphinx on the Giza Plateau, it is evident, with a very high degree of probability, that the design parameters were expressly intent on conveying this advanced knowledge.'


It is not that some brilliant 4th Dynasty Egyptian minds ingeniously created the Great Pyramid to somehow be scaled precisely to Earth’s spacial and temporal aspects by magically discovering a perfect whole-number scale . . . but that the Earth's precise shape, rotational and precessional speeds (and much more) were designed concurrently with the precise scale in mind at the time of the Earth's creation - possibly anticipating the future construction of Great Pyramid . . . meaning that all of this embedded data, including the perfect whole-number scale, was considered during the initial creation of the Earth itself . . . then, billions of years later, the Great Pyramid itself was scaled to the precise size needed for the message not to be ignored.

Given this reality, can anyone continue to believe that this structure was built simply as an astronomical observatory or, even more absurdly, as a tomb in the 4th Dynasty of ancient Egypt? The Great Pyramid is another aspect of the communication and was designed as 'a reference book for posterity' to last thousands of years and to withstand any physical catastrophe short of an asteroid strike.

For more information regarding the information embedded in the Great Pyramid, see


So, who could have done this . . . and when? Since it is not conceivable that the 4th Dynasty Egyptians are responsible, then it must have been built long before their time, sometime before the catastrophic events of the Younger Dryas period, some 12,500 years ago . . . possibly by an as-yet-undiscovered, extremely advanced, civilization. This alone would confirm Beauval/Hancock/Schoch and others’ theories.

Briefly, there is compelling evidence that the Sphinx, as part of the Giza plateau, originally had the face of a lion . . . and faces east as Leo was rising in the east during the Spring Equinox 12,500 years ago. The Sphinx, as well as the sides of the quarried limestone cliffs surrounding it, show extensive erosion . . . by water - by precipitation. The Sahara was a green, lush savannah experiencing heavy rainfall 12,000 years ago. A severely dry period occurred from around 9,000-5,000 years ago, and Egypt has been the dry desert as we know it ever since. More, Robert Beauval observed that the layout of the three Giza pyramids aligns with the layout of the stars in Orion’s belt . . . Orion rising just before sunrise on the Spring Equinox 12,500 years ago.

One of the main foundations of the belief that the Giza pyramids were built some 4,500 years ago is the so-called star-shaft theory where one of the shafts (also called air shafts) aligned with the rising of Orion at that time . . . but precise measurements of the shafts in the Great Pyramid show that, in this case, the angles of the shafts were determined not by the stars but by the endless precision of all the geometry encoded throughout the pyramid. For an excellent article describing all this in detail see here. Add to all this the fact that not only the limestone blocks, but also the granite blocks, used in the construction of the Great Pyramid, had to have been cut using copper tools, makes suspect the supposed construction date of 4,500 years ago.

Perhaps most importantly, the 12,500-year posited construction of the Great Pyramid happened just before the very nadir of the cold-spike of the catastrophic Younger Dryas period . . . after which global temperatures began the rapid rise which culminated in the melting of the arctic ice cap and a 400’ rise in sea level . . . and the annihilation of any advancement in civilization up until this point.

This evidence suggests that a massive megalithic stone structure . . . precisely mirroring the semi-regular, ideal, Phi, or Stillpoint, Pyramid and encoding endless data regarding Earth and much more . . . was constructed as an analog of Earth - before this catastrophe occurred.


When? . . . before 12,500 years ago.

Who? . . .

There are stories from all around the ancient world of seven sages sailing across the oceans while escaping a global catastrophe to their homeland - Atlantis? Antarctica? - bringing with them knowledge of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, physics and the ability to precisely cut and transport millions of tons of limestone and granite blocks and stack them so precisely that the Great, or Phi, Pyramid . . . an aspect of the Stillpoint geometry . . . is preserved in stone ‘forever’.

Whether the Great Pyramid was constructed by an extraordinarily advanced civilization that predated the global catastrophe 12,500 years ago, or incarnated representatives of the higher consciousness responsible for the creation of our solar system . . . or both . . . someone was making a huge effort to communicate essential information to evolving consciousness on Earth . . . us.

I believe that the Great Pyramid was as equally an intentional creation as were the embedding of the Stillpoint geometry in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, the perfect total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon, the impossible precision of the planetary orbits, the creation of the 25,920-year precession of the equinoxes (the Great Year) that we witness today and, importantly, the various timelines lasting thousands, millions, and billions of years that all coincide now. Whoever constructed the Great Pyramid was doing so purposefully . . . as a very real, physical, timed, aspect of the communication.


The Communication


In the first part of the communication, involving all the empirical evidence regarding the intentional and precise creation of our solar system, we are being told that higher, evolved, consciousness exists . . . and that they (is there a better word?) want us to know this. This message was long in the making - our solar system was created 4.6 billion years ago, when the Earth/Moon diagram and the geometric precision of the orbits of the planets were set in place.

The creators of our solar system knew that at some point evolving consciousness on Earth would become aware of this . . . and aware that it was done intentionally. They wanted us to know, first, that they exist.

Next, and more dynamically as far as we, the observers, are concerned, we have been constantly and dramatically reminded of this by the regular perfect eclipse of the Sun by the Moon - only possible within the tiny window of time during which humans happen to be alive as the Moon moves slowly away from the Earth. This powerful and dramatic aspect of the message has been experienced by humanity for our entire history as something mysterious, visceral, and instinctively foreboding . . . a regular shock from what is considered 'normal' . . . and embedded deep into our collective subconscious over many thousands of years. It is only in modern times that we've come to understand this aspect of the message scientifically . . . making clear its intentionality and purpose.

Closer to home still is the physical existence . . . on Earth . . . of the Great Pyramid - its massive size a critical aspect of the communication . . . impossible to ignore . . . as well as the absurdly precise method of construction and the endless spacial and temporal data regarding planet Earth. It is very possible, given the fluidity of time and the timeless nature of awareness in the Stillpoint reality, that the creators of our solar system knew that a cataclysm was approaching – and that it was critical that evolving humanity, emerging from this cataclysm and from a long ice-age, would be potently reminded of the existence of an intelligence far greater than their own.


One can imagine the scene at the beginning of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey when the humanoid inhabitants of Earth experience the black monolith.


Further, all of this was timed such that almost all of these discoveries were made within the tiny 36-year-long transit of the alignment of the Earth, Sun and the center of the galaxy . . . the Stillpoint/Black Hole that the Mayans considered to be the source of their spiritual wisdom.

The size, precision, and material used in the construction of the Great Pyramid ensured that humanity would be able to fully understand the message it carried once technology and consciousness had evolved to do this - during the Winter Solstice transit of the center of our galaxy – now. They ensured that the communication would be witnessed by evolving humanity by creating a monumental, megalithic, sacred statement of precision such that it would withstand many thousands of years, as well as global catastrophe. This shining, white, precision-cut, enormous, last-surviving Wonder of the Ancient World makes sure that this message cannot be ignored.

Today, the beautiful bones, and their precision . . . the communication . . . remain.

Great Pyramid nightlit . . . brown with dark blue background

The Great Pyramid of Giza after (how many?) thousands of years of existence

In the following section, THE MEGALITHIC YARD, yet another remarkable body of evidence suggests guidance.

Huge megalithic standing stone in huge circle, green grass, blue sky and ocean, white/grey clouds
Kokopelli the wandering minstrel carried songs on his back,  bringing  good luck and prosperity.
