The empirical evidence presented is irrefutable . . . evidence of the existence of an evolved higher intelligence responsible for the intentional creation of our solar system . . . for a reason.
There is no possible ‘law’ of physics that could encompass all this ‘coincidence’ in our solar system . . . leaving only intentional creation or chance. Orthodox religion defaults to the will of the Creator-God, separate and above . . . while orthodox materialistic science has three responses to the information shared: 1. Coincidence, chance, or accident. 2. Infinite universes: We live in but one of infinite possible universes . . . this is the one that happens to look like this. 3. Ignore the information.
At the heart of what has been presented is a communication . . . a message to evolving consciousness on Earth . . . us . . . embedded in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
A message about a possible shift in human consciousness.
If the non-manifesting Stillpoint geometry discovered in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon and Sun, does not convince one of this, the many examples of the uncanny timing of aspects of the information found in the PERFECT TOTAL ECLIPSE, GUIDANCE and THE STILLPOINT PYRAMID sections make this a certainty . . . timing being the tiny window of time in the midst of various timelines lasting from thousands to millions to billions of years . . . when humans are alive and have developed the ability to be aware of everything presented here . . . all coinciding now.
A message, a communication, precisely timed to now.
Our world is in crisis.
What could be more important to know . . . now . . . or ever?
While knowing is a place to begin, it is not enough.
It is time to act, to respond.
I first saw the Earth-Moon Diagram in 1987, when attending a seminar on sacred geometry in Crestone, Colorado, led by the world's preeminent sacred geometer, the late Keith Critchlow. Someone passed the diagram around. All of us were impressed by the purity and profundity of the sacred geometry presented . . . and almost everyone agreed what a 'happy coincidence’ it was that the Earth and the Moon were included in this pure geometric expression. To me this was not a coincidence . . . this was intentional. But I had no idea what it meant.
Years later, I had a direct, transcendent experience of the Stillpoint itself . . . and verified personally the connection between the Stillpoint - the eternal present moment - and consciousness itself as recorded in ancient spiritual scripture from around the world.
I had the almost inconceivable thought that perhaps what we were witnessing was the intentional expression of the Stillpoint geometry . . . the geometry of consciousness . . . a geometry that does not manifest - a neon billboard in the heavens & impossible to ignore - in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun.
If this were true, the reason for the geometric information represented in the Earth-Moon Diagram would be clear . . . a communication regarding the unequaled importance of expanded/enlightened consciousness.
Irrefutable empirical, scientific evidence has been presented, showing that the Earth, Moon and Sun are symbolic expressions of this non-manifesting, primal geometry . . . the Stillpoint geometry . . . synonymous with consciousness and fundamental/inherent to the genesis of our Universe.
This does not happen by accident. Our solar system was intentionally created for a reason - and is a profound affirmation of the acceleration of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe. All this brought to mind words I’d come across many decades ago.
Once again, from Meher Baba’s 1953 book Listen Humanity:
‘Before the beginning of all beginnings, the infinite ocean of God was completely self-forgetful. The utter and unrelieved oblivion of the self-forgetful, Infinite Ocean of God in the beyond-beyond state was broken in order that God should consciously know his own fullness of divinity.
It was for this sole purpose that consciousness proceeded to evolve. Consciousness itself was latent in the beyond-beyond state of God. Also latent in the beyond-beyond state of God, was the original whim (lahar) to become conscious. It was this original whim that brought latent consciousness into manifestation (form) for the first time. Slowly and tediously consciousness approaches its apex in the human form, which is the goal of the evolutionary process, and thereby an individual mind gradually differentiates itself from the sea of oblivion . . .’
The process that Baba so poetically describes is beautifully expressed in scientific terms in Arthur Young’s process theory, found in The Reflexive Universe: The Evolution of Consciousness.
From the chaotic randomness of our beginnings . . . to the precision of our intentionally created solar system.
(Click on image to open in larger view)
There is no explanation for what has been shared in physics, mathematics, geometry, nor any other scientific discipline. These phenomena are not necessary for life, and are absurdly outside the realm of coincidence, accident or chance. All that has been shared here was done intentionally . . . and begs the questions how? and why?
Over eons of time, randomness gradually gives way to the learned attributes of love, forgiveness and compassion as evolution matures. Imagination is the fuel of evolution, creating the future from what has been learned in the past.
As Below so Above . as Above so Below
The process of the evolution of consciousness in the Universe.
This is the answer to how? and why? What has been presented in these pages are powerful examples of an evolved higher intelligence using what has been learned in the long process of the evolution of consciousness to accelerate that process. Unlike anything else in the observed universe, our solar system was created intentionally and at its heart . . . as within a walled garden . . . silently spins Mother Earth . . . our home . . . where we live.
This rarest of all incubators of life, this Earth and the solar system which it inhabits, with Earth’s extremely rare liquid water in the midst of such infinite vastness of intense heat and cold, was created as a walled garden perfectly designed for the acceleration of the evolution of consciousness . . . but evolution now on its own terms and by its own will. Even if we accept that it was all created intentionally for the evolution of life, it could just as easily have been done without weaving into it the profound geometry of our origin and our destiny . . . the geometry of the stillness – and herein lies the key to why? Many essential components conspired to create this miraculous island upon which higher life forms could exist and by natural selection and morphic resonance/formative causation evolve to more complex expressions . . . but the geometry of the stillness is not one of them – it is not necessary for life and has only to do with fully awakened awareness. This appears to be the answer to the deeper question of why? for this particular geometry . . . it was intended that this information - specifically regarding the original portal - be used when a quantum leap in the global evolution of consciousness was needed. Now.
I can only believe that it was done this way for the most profound of reasons. I can only think that who or whatever created this walled garden for 'our' evolution was not simply sharing with us important information . . . but was sharing the most important information 'they' know of on the grandest stage imaginable – its significance unavoidable - available to us only when our level of consciousness was ready to understand its implications. I also believe that sharing this most important information in the way it was done, was not done simply for the sharing of information per se (as in, 'Isn't this interesting?'), but was done in this grand way to invite action, a response – a specific response that uses the information shared. It also implies a benevolent or bodhisattvic intention from a consciousness that, while it will not or can not do it for us (save us from ourselves), is there to guide, inspire and encourage from a distance.
If the irrefutable evidence were not enough of a challenge to our accepted understanding of our world, the idea that evolving consciousness on Earth – us – were being communicated to with a message requiring a response regarding a global shift in human consciousness sounds at the very least like science fiction and worse still that I was seriously deluded or mistaken. I realize that this is a lot to ask anyone to accept. These discoveries ultimately contradict thousands of years of organized religious belief in a fixed, a priori concept of 'God' who wills existence into being, as well as hundreds of years of orthodox science's belief in the randomness and purposelessness of existence – the two most prevalent and powerful belief systems in the world today . . . belief systems that the vast majority of us subscribe to - whether we realize it or not.
These discoveries led to a sublime synthesis of the two . . . proving the existence of an evolved higher consciousness most would consider to be 'God', while also providing a much more expanded and encompassing understanding of evolution - the evolution of consciousness in the Universe.
The vast, infinite Universe that we peer at through our now very sophisticated telescopes is one of indifference. The evolution of consciousness relentlessly moves forward through eons of expression, impersonally seeking, learning, and creating the information necessary for this evolution to proceed. As of now, as far as we know for certain, only human consciousness expresses the learned attribute of compassion. I can think of no reason for the embedding of the Stillpoint, consciousness, geometry, in the dimensions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun other than as a communication . . . a communication that has to do only with a global transformation of human consciousness. Because of this, it is an act of profound, bodhisattvic compassion. And because of this, it is clear that an evolved higher consciousness is responsible for all that has been shared.
As mentioned in the quote from Stillpoint above, this couldn't have been done simply for humanity to know it and to talk about it. To me, it is a clear invitation to act . . . to respond. Three times in Stillpoint, and now again here, I ask the reader to assess the empirical information for themselves, and see if you come to the same conclusion that I do – or not - and if you too see the need to respond, to think about what response would be appropriate. I say then and now, if there's a better understanding of the implications of the empirical evidence that has been presented here, or the response I envision, then that is what I want.
For now, these pages are my understanding of what all this means.
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, 1487, with added, Earth-Moon diagram in red.
Da Vinci knew the sacred geometric principle of squaring the circle, but - living before the discoveries of Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo - could not have known that the Earth and Moon fit perfectly within that geometry.
In fact, this was not known for another 500 years.
At the time that Da Vinci drew his Vitruvian Man within the squared circle, he was focused on proportion . . . and the fact that the Earth and the Moon were embedded within the diagram was unknown . . . and unimagined.
The unimagined is now known.
Its meaning has now been described . . . as part of a communication inviting us to act.
Its meaning emerging only now, when the general level of human consciousness is threatening all
complex life on Earth.
When Leonardo was alive there were 450 million people on the planet . . . now there are almost
18 times that many of us . . .
more than three times the global population of the planet when I was born . . .
8 billion . . . and climbing.
It is now or never.
Margaret Mead:
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.'
From a therapy session with Scott Fitzgerald de Tamble, a clinical hypnotherapist expert in Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression - the answer to a question to an advanced soul about being part of a soul group:
‘This is a group that formed . . . out of interest. It’s hard to describe . . . it’s not like there are distinctions between us, it’s like a blend. Everyone has his part. It’s like an orchestra, with all different instruments, they all have their different instrument sound or tone, but yet you hear only the symphony. That’s how we are, individually, and as a group. We’re kind of like the violin section of some symphony they’re playing.’
All that I have ever been trying to do over all these years is to find this small group of people who will immediately see and understand what this information is and what it implies, and who have the desire and the capability to do something about it.
I know that you exist and it is to you that I am writing, to you that I am reaching out.
For most of us, simply knowing all this is critical and makes action possible . . . and action is what is needed now.
If by chance or fate this information finds its way into your heart, please contact me.
If this interests you, and you find it important, truthful, and accurate, please share it.
I believe that we are being asked to open the primal portal between our manifested world, where the evolution of consciousness happens, and the implicate 'Limitless Mind of God' reality on the other side of the Stillpoint veil. I believe that we are being invited to do this such that we are brought into resonance (as much as is individually possible) with that almost infinitely higher frequency of love, enlightenment and compassion expressed so clearly by the empirical evidence presented. A detailed idea of how this might be done is presented in the TEMPLE section.
Everything in the implicate and explicate worlds vibrates, has a frequency. Like tuning forks, if we could make ourselves available to the frequency of this now-proven evolved higher intelligence through resonance, it is possible to raise our collective level of global consciousness. For a more thorough discussion, see the PORTAL section.
With this comes the arising of the compassion required to address the unconscionable suffering occurring worldwide - and the potential to solve the vast array of problems that cannot be solved through the old thinking of the present paradigm.
The Stillpoint is the interface between the implicate and explicate worlds, and is the Point of Creation at the crown of the Kaballah’s Tree of Life.
. . . the very point of interface between worlds.
In the Rig Veda, India’s most ancient spiritual scripture, the Universe was born and developed from a core, central, point . . . and describes the unequaled significance of this point as the
'Maha-Bindu, the point representing simultaneously the source of creation and the transcendence of all polarities and final integration at the end of the spiritual journey.’
It is the Alpha and the Omega.
Buckminster Fuller describes the geometry that defines this Stillpoint, the Vector Equilibrium, as
'. . . the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and God.’
Science approaches the threshold to the Stillpoint, calling it the singularity . . . one-billionth the size of a proton and defined by the tiny Schwarzchild radius based upon the Planck Constant . . . the limit of science’s reach . . . through which the entire manifested Universe exploded.
From where?
Long-accepted, established, science, describes where? as ‘Nothing’.
The Lakota describe where? as the ‘Great Mystery’.
The Indian spiritual teacher Meher Baba described it as ‘Oblivion’.
The prolific inventor/engineer Buckminster Fuller called it ‘Eternity and God‘.
The physicist David Bohm called it the ‘Implicate World’.
Still . Point
is the
Our world is in crisis. We are looking into the abyss. If we can open the Stillpoint portal, exposing ourselves to the almost infinitely higher vibration/frequency on the other side of that veil, we can shift/transform/raise our collective level of consciousness. From Stillpoint:
Within the context of this shift, I believe that all the good work that so many people are doing and have done all around the world will be empowered as the more compassionate and evolved stage of our collective consciousness gains momentum. I do not believe it is possible within the time we have left to accomplish this through political, social, or environmental means without this radical shift in global consciousness. Nor through any new policy of economics. Nor will it be accomplished through the spread of information . . . through the latest books (including Stillpoint), the Internet, or film . . . for as valuable as each of these methods has been, any attempt will invariably fall on the infertile ground of a global consciousness still struggling as it always has, in the old paradigm. Nor will individual awakening through meditation, yoga, epiphany, hallucinogens, therapy or holotropic breathwork cure what ails us in the time we have . . . I believe only a global transformation of consciousness will do.
Some of the most respected and eminent people we know – Mahatma Gandhi, Stanislav Grof, the Dalai Lama, Nikola Tesla, Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, Howard Zinn, Válclav Havel, Krishnamurti, Ervin Laszlo, Jane Goodall and others – all say in their own way that only a global transformation of consciousness will change the direction we're headed . . . and that direction is annihilation - the 6th extinction.
What is happening in our world today is the expression of our collective consciousness. We are the cause. The endless war . . . why? The billions living in poverty . . . why? The dying oceans and forests . . . the atmosphere all of us live within . . . why?
‘An armed Conflict between nations horrifies us. But the economic war is not better than an armed conflict. This is like a surgical operation. An economic war is prolonged torture. And its ravages are no less terrible than those depicted in the literature on war properly so-called. We think nothing of the other because we are used to its deadly effects. The movement against war is sound. I pray for its success. But I cannot help the gnawing fear that the movement will fail if it does not touch the root of all evil – human greed.’
'Greed' is simply a placeholder for the general level of human consciousness we are now experiencing.
Once again, music can often transcend what words can only attempt.
John Trudell was a Santee Dakota Native American activist. 24 hours after he burned a US flag on the steps of the FBI building in Washington D.C., in protest of the government's treatment of Native Americans and the Sioux Nation, a padlock was placed on the door of his inlaws’ house on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Nevada, and the house was set on fire.
His wife, her mother, and his three young children died there. His song Crazy Horse, is a love song to Mother Earth, coming from the depths of his suffering, and captures the greed - ‘How do we sell our Mother?’ - that Gandhi speaks of . . .
’How do we sell our Mother? How do we sell the stars? How do we sell the air? One does not sell the Earth
The people walk upon.
We are the land.’
Crazy Horse
We Hear what you say
One Earth, one Mother
One does not sell the Earth
The people walk upon
We are the land
How do we sell our Mother?
How do we sell the stars?
How do we sell the air?
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
Too many people
Standing their ground
Standing the wrong ground
Predator’s face, he possessed a race
Possession a war that doesn't end
Children of God feed on children of Earth
Days people don't care for people
These days are the hardest
Material fields, material harvest
Decoration on chains that binds
Mirrors gold, the people lose their minds
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
One Earth, one Mother
One does not sell the Earth
The people walk upon
We are the land.
Today is now and then
Dream smokes touch the clouds
On a day when death didn't die
Real world time tricks shadows lie
Red white perception deception
Predator tries civilizing us
But the tribes will not go without return
Genetic light from the other side
A song from the heart of our hearts to give
The wild days the glory days live
Crazy Horse
We Hear what you say
One Earth, one Mother
One does not sell the Earth
The people walk upon
We are the land
How do we sell our Mother?
How do we sell the stars?
How do we sell the air?
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
We are the seventh generation
We are the seventh generation
We must bring our global level of consciousness into
with the now-proven, evolved,
Higher intellignece
inviting us to do just that.